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(also see Holy Family series) CHAPLETS |
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(also see Female Saints) CHAPLETS |
+ MALE SAINTS NOW AVAILABLE WITH 9 OR 10 BEADS C9G - CHAPLETS 9 BEADS SERIES Medals from Germany. Traditionally a 'niner' or a 9 bead chaplet, is called a 'novena chaplet' and the 'tenner' is used to count one decade of the rosary. The latter, popular with men since 15c as easier to carry. + INSPIRED BY SOMETHING OLD Because we believe our visitors are unique amongst the internet family, we offer some new designs that were inspired by an item seen in an Antique Shop in Munich a few years ago. It was well over 100 years old. It was actually a large, 3 inch round crystal and gold reliquary box containing relics of about 10 saints. + RARE LOOK INTO HISTORY This was not so unusual but what was different, was the fact that from it, hung a series of old beads. It was a chaplet! Or had been before some of the beads broke and fell away into time. A chaplet where prayers were offered, asking for the intercession of the saints whose relics were contained. Not one, but many!It was unusually large yet beautiful. + VISUALLY AT WORK ALL THE TIME These chaplets, either as a Novena 'Niners' or the standard 'tenner' are wonderful to keep on your desk, coffee table, prayer table, home altar or hang on the wall. They are a very simple yet powerful way to pray. There is something embracing about holding these medals in one hand and the beads in the other. And when not in use - sitting on the table - they are visually involving, captivating and evangelizing - to others in the room. + JOHN 14:26-28
MEDALS BY ARTIST EGINO WEINERT The powerful 2 x 2 inch saints medals we have used below were designed by world famous EGINO WEINERT of Germany - a favorite of Pope John Paul II, and an artist to the Vatican. Available in bronze only. We have chosen very special beads to symbolize the lives of each saint. NOW AVAILABLE
![]() *FRANCIS of ASSISI II* ![]() |
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b.1182 -
d.1226 - Feast Day: 6 October
FRANCIS of ASSISI II - C9G.51320 ITALY: -Born into a wealthy merchant family in Assisi, Francis Bernadone was a very popular youth in the community and loved it. The Lord called him while he was praying in San Damiano Church one day, asking him to rebuild his church. He began to put stone on stone in the process of rebuilding but the Lord corrected him to restore his people who have strayed from him. Francis was never a priest but as a brother, he started the Franciscans and shortly after, the Poor Clares for women. It remains universal and loved by people of all faiths. He carried the stigmata, the wounds of Christ. Patron of Ecologists and merchants. BEADS:
Matted brown Bodhi seeds. 8.5 inches. (Bronze only)
9 or 10 bead chaplet in cart below.
![]() *ANTHONY of PADUA II* ![]() |
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b.1195 - d.1231
- Feast Day: 13 June
ANTHONY of PADUA II - C9G.51321 ITALY: St Anthony of Padua was an Augustinian but became a Franciscan when he was 26. He attracted large crowds and was known as the 'Hammer of Heritics' because of the way he taught about the church, simple and direct. Many miracles surround him to this day and he is a doctor of the church. He received a visit from the infant Jesus and is imaged with him to this day. He is the patron of lost articles, the poor, sailors and animals. He died at the age of 36. BEADS: Matted brown Bodhi seeds with antiqued metal caps. 9.5 inches. (Bronze only) choose 9 or 10 bead chaplet in cart below. MEDALIST: Egino Weinert C9G.51321
![]() *JUDE THADDEUS II* ![]() |
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AD. Feast Day: 28 October
JUDE THADDEUS II - C9G.51322 ISRAEL: St Jude was often confused with Judas Iscariot of who betrayed Our Lord. But Thaddeus was a near kinsman of Jesus. He authored an epistle to the churches of the East and preached the gospel in Judea, Samaria and many other places. He is patron of impossible situations, reflecting his letter to the new Jewish Christians and is becoming a renewed devotion in the church. Green - traditional color for Jude. BEADS:
Mossy green Connemara Marble from Ireland capped with antiqued metals.
9 inches. (Bronze only) traditionally a 9 bead 'novena'
chaplet but also available in 10 beads on cart.
![]() *BENEDICT of NURSIA II* ![]() |
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b. 490 -
d. 543 - Feast Day: July 11
BENEDICT - FOUNDER II - C9G.51323 ITALY: Established the Benedictine order, bringing monacism into a new sense of order. It is said, "The finger of God had only to point, and he followed whatever the cost." He established the home of the Benedictines at Monte Cassino, north of Rome. building it over Pagan Altar of Apollo. By 14c there were over 30,000 Benedictines. In his rule he wrote: "Pray for your enemies in the love of Christ, Make peace, before the setting of the sun, with those from whom you have been separated by discord, and Never despair of the mercy of God." BEADS: rare black hand carved cinnabar beads. Capped with antiqued metals. (Bronze only) choose 9 or 10 bead chaplet in cart below. MEDALIST: Egino Weinert C9G.51323
![]() *ST VIANNEY II, CURE' d'ARS* ![]() |
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Priest, Mystic, Saint b. 1786 - d. 1859 - Feast Day: August 4 JOHN VIANNEY II - CURE' D'ARS - C9G.51324 FRANCE: According to New Advent, 'The greatest miracle of all was his life. He practised mortification from his early youth. and for forty years his food and sleep were insufficient, humanly speaking, to sustain life. And yet he laboured incessantly, with unfailing humility, gentleness, patience, and cheerfulness, until he was more than seventy-three years old. He was a firm supporter of St Philomena, asking her to interceed for many things and miracles were abundant. He was a mystic, orator and confessor/spiritual director. John Mary Vianney was canonized in 1925. 'Prayer is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself.' BEADS: Vintage glass cane reproductions. Crystal with burgundy red (passion, martyrdom, Philomena) inclusions and matted/ textured surface with 3 window tablecuts . Also called''Tri' beads'. Capped with antiqued bronze filigrees. Red for St Philomena. 9 inches. (Bronze only) choose 9 or 10 bead chaplet in cart below. (Medal 1.5 x 2 inches) MEDALIST: Egino Weinert C9G.51324
![]() *ST MAXIMILIAN KOLBE II* ![]() |
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Priest, Martyr,
b. 1910 - d.1942 - Feast Day: August 14 MAXIMILIAN KOLBE II - C9G.51325 POLAND: Born Raymond Kolbe in Poland, January 8, 1894. He entered the Conventual Franciscan Order in 1910. He studied in Rome where he was ordained a priest in 1918. He founded the Militia of the Immaculata and from 1939 it grew from 18 to 650 friars in Warsaw alone. MILITIA IMMACULATA (Army of Mary)
BEADS: 1.5 in. crystal flat 'table cuts' or 'window beads with antiqued picasso edges that create the perfect choice for this beautiful medal. Inspired by a page in his newsletter - A blank page to be written on. (Bronze only) choose 9 or 10 bead chaplet in cart below. MEDALIST: Egino Weinert C9G.51325
![]() *SAINT PIO II* ![]() |
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Priest, Stigmatist,
Mystic, Saint
b.1887 - d.1968 SAINT PIO of PIETRELCINA II - C9G.51326 ITALY - Padre Pio received the visible stigmata in 1918. He was a mystic and could read the hearts of people in confession, calling them to an honest confession by naming their sins. BEADS - Red drops, Opaque Czech glass called '2 window' beads with dark brown matte frames. Design from an old glass bead mold when beads were made one at a time. MEDALIST: Egino Weinert C9G.51326
![]() *SAINT VINCENT de PAUL* ![]() |
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Great Apostle of Charity
b. 1581 d.1660 SAINT VINCENT de PAUL - C9G.51527 FRANCE - dedicated himself to serving the poor. Venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church He was canonized in 1737.[1] He was renowned for his compassion, humility, and generosity. BEADS - Black with gold teardrop - 2 window beads from Europe MEDALIST: Egino Weinert C9G.51327
![]() *ABOUT the METAL ARTIST * ![]() |
![]() *PRAYERS* ![]() |
These chaplets are also called 'tenners' and have a history from at least the 15th century. The original ones we see are open ended with a finger ring at one end. The ring is passed from finger to finger to complete the 5 decades of the rosary as each decade is prayed. Today they simply remind us to pray the 'Ave.' (Hail Mary) 10 times as one fifth of the rosary on a busy day. + Beginning with Our Father prayer On each bead pray Ave or the Hail Mary + on the medal: pray the Glory Be to the Father in thanksgiving . ![]() . 9 BEAD NOVENA CHAPLET So these little chaplets with 3 sets of 3 beads have been around a long time too, they have a history. Its more than just a tradition, as it appears, they also carried certain indulgences. Again, a perfect prayer form to renew in a busy day. + On each set of 3 beads - one each: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be + On the medal: ask for the intercession of this particular saint. Some people use this as a nine day novena by adding their petition at this time. |
![]() *HISTORY of 'NINERS'* ![]() |
More information on the traditional 'niner' chaplet may be found in an old book called THE RACCOLTA (A Collection). The Raccolta was first published in Rome by Telesforo Galli in 1807. This would put this practice of the 'niners' into at least the latter part of the 18c, and more likely the devotion was practiced, established and approved of long before it was written about. THE RACCOLTA has been re published many times over the years but more recently by Benzeger Brothers in 1944 through 1957. It contains prayers, devotions, novenas, pius practices etc and explains the indulgences that were attached and conditions needed to gain them at that time in history. All the indulgences contained in THE RACCOLTA are/were applicable to the souls in purgatory. The book is still available through most Catholic Book Stores. I believe the St Jude Chaplet with its 9 beads is a good expample of this history. YANKEE LADY ADDS:
MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to provide the finest handmade rosaries, chaplets and other fine religious art forms for personal worship we can make using the best supplies available. The Guild believes the work of our hands should give visual Glory to God, therefore for us, the best for you is very, very important. ++++++ QUESTIONS? copy and paste now OR CALL WEEKDAYS - 9 to 5central 877.695.3561
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