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![]() LEA.2210 |
+ GARMENT of AARON II LEA - LIMITED EDITION ANTIQUES For I know that this will result in deliverance for me through your prayers and support from the Spirit of Jesus Christ.' + PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS We must pray for our priests and for the Holy Father - not only in these trying times in our church - but always. We need to pray for the little victims and their families We need to pray for all who are involved in pedophilia and other destructive diseases. We must pray for the doctors and psychologists who work with them - knowing that this is not just a church problem but a social problem. + PHILIPPIANS 1:19
IS SOMETHING WONDERFUL ABOUT TO HAPPEN? We must pray for all who are condemning the Catholic Church - the media, lawyers, all with their lack of information. We must forgive them and ask forgiveness for any lack of response our church has committed. And as Christians we must learn how to defend our faith. Ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge, he loves giving out his gifts! Why is all this going on? The Lord is shaking his church and healing it. Why? Because something wonderful is about to happen. And - we need to pray for new vocations. see the following
links for more
![]() *"GARMENT of AARON II"* ![]() |
gemstones of the breastplate
+ LEA.2210 FOR MORE INFO OR PRICING, COPY / PASTE ITEM NUMBER (ONLY) IN "SEARCH BOX" IN SHOPPING STORE 25 in. + crucifix and center handcast from antiques in sterling and solid bronze ... may be purchased individually. |
![]() *ABOUT the CROSS* ![]() |
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crucifix cast from original - 1920s CHRIST the HIGH PRIEST Dressed in priestly garments with a Maniple over his arm. Worn since the 6th century by Priests and Deacons in Ravenna, the maniple was incorperated throughout Wesern Europe within 400 years. First used as a handkercief to wipe the brow, it became very ornate by the Middle ages. Eventually used as a symbol to wipe off 'the mind and the heart' of sin and inspire a love of good works. + Prayer: "May I deserve, O Lord, to bear the maniple of tears and sorrow, that I may receive with joy the reward of my labors. + FOR MORE INFO ENTER TITLE IN "SEARCH" IN SHOPPING LINKS BELOW |
![]() *HOW IT CAME TO BE* ![]() We are very excited about this rosary - a special rosary for priests, our church and the need for more vocations. the emerging design below was like manna falling --- |
AND WATCHING IDEAS GROW 1 ROSARIES FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS MARCH 19 2001 - On the death of my mother, Fr Joe suggested to set a rosary aside to pray - just for her. On any special occasion, do this to remind us of the direction of the prayer. He planted a wonderful seed. 2 ROSARY CENTER ? CRUCIFIX JUNE 2001 - We searched for a long time for a eucharistic center - then Barbara Spear, a beautiful woman we met on the internet (Yankee Lady) shared one she had. The crucifix came to us about the same time. We sent them to the Caster for general use thinking it was to be called the 'RISEN CHRIST'. + SEPT 2001 - Arriving just before Sept 11, we then dedicated the crucifix to our firemen and police at the WTC. + NOVEMBER 2001 - A customer noted this was not from the 60's but from probably from the 20's and was called 'CHRIST the HIGH PRIEST' - because of his priestly garment and the maniple over his left arm. 3 EVENTS IN THE CHURCH BEGIN TO SWIFTLY EMERGE MARCH 2002 - We sensed we needed a special rosary just to pray for priests. What to use? I pulled out the new crucifix of the High Priest (CRX 48), and set it on the worktable. Then added the center of the Eucharist. They worked well together. They sat on the table for several weeks along with some vintage black beads - waiting - as we became very busy filling orders. + APRIL 21st 2002 - An order comes in from Sister Anna Marie for this cross, our CRX.48 in bronze. She is going to make a rosary for the priests. What a wonderful confirmation! The same cross, the same rosary for priests! Then, out of the blue, a letter from our very prophetic Fr Joe, our Spiritual Director for the website: 4 CONFIRMATION FROM FR JOE APRIL 22 2002: Father writes about some of our other new rosaries
APRIL 22 2002 - I thanked Fr Joe for the wonderful confirmation this was for our inspired new rosary for priests and he wrote back : +
(I was stunned, the Eucharistic center and cross were sitting on the work table ready to go and he was a 1000 miles away!) He continued: +
Fr Joe continued answering a question I had asked: HOW DO YOU DEFINE THE PRIESTHOOD?
PLEASE NOTE - DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF STONE PLACEMENT No matter whose translation of the word or scripture you read - Protestant, Catholic, Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian, Babylonian or Assyrian - you will note the placement of stones in the breastplate differ - as do the names of each. This was because there were no specific names given to gemstones as there are today. Many were named regionally. Some carried the name of the city or country of origin such as Chalcedony (Turkey). They did not analyze these favored stones by their composition or crystalline form in those days. And to confuse things even more, New Advent tells us their 'chrysolite is our topaz and sapphire is our lazuli'. + To unravel the confusion, we took the traditional names used for the twelve tribes of Israel which are also seen as the twelve months of the year (birthday). These were set by the American Gem Society in the 30s. |
![]() *PRAYER* ![]() Pray the rosary as you normally would, remembering the Pater beads remind us to pray for the priests, bishops and the Holy Father or use this link for special rosary prayer for Priests: |
to pray for them ...
... truly an icon
of our faith ...
... very spiritually
appropriate ...
woe to those who despise priests ...
Why should Catholics
MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to provide the finest handmade rosaries, chaplets and other fine religious art forms for personal worship we can make using the finest supplies available. The Guild believes the work of our hands should give visual Glory to God, therefore for us, the best for you is very, very important. +++
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