January 2005 |
(crucifixes/centers) ROSARYWORKSHOP.COM |
CATALOG # 22c |
These sample combinations will help you to visualize how centers and crucifixes relate to one another in size and design. Remember, these suggestions are not the only combinations - just a place to start.
CRUCIFIX: CRX.28 - (2 in.) CENTERS: right to left: top: RC.37, SS.RCG.1 bottom: SS.RC.5, ERC.331 (See Samsara and European Parts) |
CRUCIFIX: CRX.52 - (2.25 in.) CENTERS: right to left: top: RC.50, SS.RC.5 middle: RC.25, ERC.303 - bottom: ERC.552, RC.49 (See Latin American Parts) |
CRUCIFIX: ECRX.436 - (2 in.) CENTERS: right to left: top: RC.45, ERC.275 bottom: RC.46, RC.24 (See European Parts) |
CRUCIFIX: SS.CRX.13 - (2 in.) CENTERS: right to left: top: RC.23, RC.37 bottom: SS.RC.7, SS.RC.45 (See European and Samsara Parts) |
(ROSARY SUGGESTIONS Catalog prints off
@ 3 pages)
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