![]() SAINT ANDRE BESSETTE CSC RDBA.21110 - (pricing // order) |
![]() SAINT ANDRE BESSETTE CSC RDBA.21120 - (pricing // order) |
(for more rosary information, scroll down) + DEVOTED TO ST JOSEPH SAINT ANDRE BESSETTE CSC RDBA - BRO ANDRE SERIES Inspired by the ancient tradition of anointing with oil. He would take the oil from the lamp burning in front of the statue of St Joseph to anoint the sick, people were healed. + INSPRIED BY BROTHER ANDRE'S LIFE 'Brother André, now St André Bessette CSC (Oct 17 2010) was born Aug 9 1845 and died Jan 6 1937. Feast Day: 6 January. + GIVING ST JOSEPH THE GLORY "He was only a porter — a doorman — at a college owned and operated by his religious congregation. He was a little man, both in size and, if one were to judge by appearance, in importance. He was not a priest; therefore he could neither offer Mass nor preach. Because of poor education, he did not know how to read or write until he reached the age of twenty-five." + SAINT ANDRE BESSETTE CSC
+ ASK ST ANDRE TO INTERCEDE FOR HEALING Please ask St André Bessette to intercede for you through St Joseph for the healing of your loved one or friend. Pray for his mission and remember him in your prayers, especially when you pray your rosary. + LUKE 10:33,34
REMEMBER BROTHER ANDRE "HONOR ST JOSEPH. BRING GLORY TO GOD" learn more bout this wonderful ministry HOLY OIL OF ST JOSEPH - GOOD BROTHER ANDRE HEALINGS - QUOTES have you ever buried a statue of St Joseph? Read below. PRAYERS - MORE ABOUT BROTHER ANDRE BURY A STATUE OF ST JOSEPH? - CART (use back button to return to this page) MORE LINKS |
![]() ~ OIL of ST JOSEPH - #21110 ~ ![]() |
"Pray to St Joseph, he will never leave you out in the cold" (Brother André)
+ pricing subject to change without notice
then antiqued to restore original patina 21 in. |
![]() ~ GOOD BROTHER ANDRE - #21120 ~ ![]() |
we do not know what Bro Andre's rosary looked like but similar
+ AVE BEADS: black mtte Onyx stone beads. Brother Andre had a rosary but we do not know what it looked like, other than is was a simple series of beads for counting. PATER BEADS: of carved wood to honor Joseph the carpenter. The leaf design reminds us of the leaf used in the Canadian Flag. + We hope this rosary honors him in some special way. Most of the religious during this period either had rosaries made of wood or a latex from wood 'gutta-percha' (mid 19c) but most likely the rosaries during that period were dk brown or black. + We have also added a medal of St. Joseph and the child Jesus. The crucifix is cast from the traditional design used by religious on their rosaries. (No center as in period rosaries) + ALL METAL PARTS Available individually from our parts catalogue . See full collection in solid bronze, sterling silver and new: white bronze. All hand cast from antique and vintage pieces. See SUPPLIES link above. |
simple crucifix standard design for priests during his time, St Joseph medal.
+ pricing subject to change without notice
then antiqued to restore original patina 21 in. |
Crutches and canes at St Joseph's Oratory
of St Bessette to St Joseph. +
![]() ~ QUOTES FROM ST ANDRE ~ ![]() |
"He listened; he did not speak,” says his biographer, Jean-Guy Dubuc. Here are some of his sayings according to Dubuc’s book, “Brother André”: + “People are worried for nothing. When help is needed, it will come in time at the right place by God.” + “The slightest earthly suffering is rewarded a thousand times over in heaven. If people only realized this, they would fall to their knees and ask to be tried.” + "I rarely prayed for my mother, but I often prayed to her." + “It is with the smallest brushes that the artist paints the most exquisitely beautiful pictures,” + “PRAY TO ST JOSEPH. HE'LL NEVER LEAVE YOU OUT IN THE COLD.” |
![]() ~ PRAYERS ~ ![]() |
+ BROTHER ANDRE RECOMMENDED THIS SIMPLE PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH, CHOSEN FATHER OF JESUS + “St. Joseph, pray for me as you yourself would have prayed, had you been here on earth in my shoes with my trouble. St. Joseph, answer our prayers…” |
PRAYER TO ST ANDRE: + Lord our God, friend of the lowly, you gave your servant, Saint André Bessette, a great devotion to St. Joseph and a special commitment to the poor and afflicted, + Through his intercession, help us to follow his example of prayer and love and so come to share with him in your glory, We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen Saint André, pray for us. |
![]() ~ BURY A STATUE of ST JOSEPH? ~ ![]() |
Well, in 1904, Brother André was inspired to build an Oratory to honor St. Joseph he had no land or money. He believed the land across the street from the college where he worked on Mt Royal (Canada) was the perfect place but the owners were not interested in selling the land. + A MINOR BASILICA Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal St Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal, Montreal, Quebe, Canada
+ This did not stop him. He buried St. Joseph medals in the land and it became available - suddenly - and is now the site of St Joseph's Oratory! + In thanksgiving, he wanted a statue of St. Joseph on the site but building funds dried up and the roof could not be completed. So he had the marble statue placed in the church without the roof, exposed to the sky. Br André said: + “If the good St. Joseph wants a roof over his head, let him find the way.” And before winter snows came, the funds arrived and the roof was completed. + ... OR WAS IT AN OLDER TRADITION? Where did the tradition come from? To bury a statue of St. Joseph and you will find a house or the house will sell? We suspect St. André has something to say about the little miracles of St. Joseph protector of the family! + Yet tradition has it, he was inspired by St. Teresa of Avila (16c) who encouraged her sisters to bury St. Joseph medals along the way as they searched for land to expand their convents. The custom followed that once the property was available, a statue of St. Joseph would be honored in either the new convent, the church (or in a newly purchased home) in thanksgiving. + (There was no mention of burying a statue of St. Joseph 'upside down' as is considered to be an act of rudeness to the earthly father of Jesus. Burying medals or a statue of St. Joseph should be done with a heart of devotion and not that of superstition.) |
OF THANKSGIVING Be mindful of us, O Blessed Joseph, and intercede for us with thy Chosen-Son by the pleading of thy prayer: do thou, in like manner, render the blessed Virgin Mary, thy Spouse, gracious unto us, for she is the Mother of Him, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen |
![]() ~ MORE ABOUT BROTHER ANDRE ~ ![]() |
Bro. André was unable to be a priest as he was not in good health. He was unable to eat solid foods to sustain his strength yet he lived 91 years. How was this so? + Bro. André developed a deep devotion to St. Joseph, the chosen father of Jesus and the patron saint of his order, Brothers of Holy Cross. When suffering people came to the school, Bro. André led them to pray to St. Joseph. + During his ministry thousands of people were healed through his intercession. (crutches hanging at the offertory attest to many of these healings.) But his superiors were faced with huge and growing crowds who would not go away! They requested an investigation. When the Archbishop came he asked the Holy Cross Provincial: + ‘Will Brother André stop this work if you order him?’ “Yes, he is obedient.” The provincial replied. “then let him alone.” The Archbishop said. “If the work is from God it will continue ; if not. It will crumble/” + Before his death he needed four secretaries to handle the 80,000 letters he received each year. On his death his burial was delayed 3 days to allow three million devoted people to pass his bier and pay him homage. To this day, this little heard of Canadian saint draws millions of people. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II on May 23, 1982 and became a saint Oct. 17 2010. |
MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to provide the finest handmade rosaries, chaplets and other fine religious art forms for personal worship we can make using the best supplies available. The Guild believes the work of our hands should give visual Glory to God, therefore for us, the best for you is very, very important. + Special thanks to Guild member Carol L for her work on this series. good links on the life of Brother André TESTIMONIALS - HOLY CROSS TOP OF PAGE |
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