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and calling on them to intercede today for our freedom tomorrow. + "THE FUTURE STARTS TODAY, NOT TOMORROW" - JP II. + AM I A PRAYER WARRIOR?
interesting discovery,
you decide
- and - *OUR LADY'S MANTLE* Patroness of the Americas This is very interesting, never noticed this before until recently - but if you look at the stars on the blue field of our flag nd the red and white stripes then click the flag icon below, you will see larger images of the Our Lady of Guadalupe. THE STARS: Note the stars on her protective blue mantle! THE STRIPES: Note the red and white rays surrounding her . If you scroll down on the linked page below, you will see the old reproductions created shortly after the apparition. they are more defined in these ancient reproductions as red and white, and blue with stars - reminding us of the stripes in our flag today. + And especially more meaningful now that our new Holy Father, Pope Francis is our first Pope from the Americas - are we called now more than ever before? + click image for more info
(early copy and paste?) Europe was in awe of this news of an image of Our Lady not made by human hands on a piece of cloth, a garment. They wanted to see it but it was an ocean away. With no media, no cameras, no computers, oiled paper was laid on top of the image and traced the exact size an shape as the original. This was done over and over again. Artists painted these images over and over again on canvas and parchment, rolled them up and sent them to waiting audiences all over Europe. + 40 YEARS - TRIAL to CONSECRATION What is hidden in numbers? Notice how the number 40 plays into the time frame over and over again. Study Judaic Numerology in the Old Testament and New. To reveal more information regarding this heaven sent miracle, go to IMMACULATE CONCEPTION + OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Columbus wa 40 years old when, in 1491, he and Father Perez asked Queen Isabella for permission to sail. (after given permission and preparation, he actually sailed the next year) But from 1491 to the apparition date of 1531 Of Our Lad of Guadalupe, it would be 40 years. (40 in scripture points out a period of trial to time of consecration.) Also note the prophetic names of the 3 ships. Not by chance! For more information, see link for IMMACULATE CONCEPTION above. + The number 40 tells us to pay attention, something important is happening. And in many cases, it point to a new chapter in salvation. A time of purification. A commitment is completed. |
![]() *WHO ARE THEY?* ![]() |
![]() *DREAMS / FOREFATERS* ![]() |
The dreams of our forefathers are not the same as "Dreams From My Father" (1995 - a book written by one man, Barack Hussein Obama, president of our nation.) Our forefathers, in co-operation and prayer, wrote down their dreams for a new nation in 1767 - not in a book - but on parchment and called those dreams the "Constitution of the United Sates" (signed by 40 delegates) and the "Bill of Rights" (signed by 56). The First Amendment followed and was adopted December 15, 1791. Whose dreams are we to follow? +
ROSARIES INSPIRED BY OUR SERVICE MEMBERS Army, Navy, Marines, Special Forces who keep us safe in times of conflict and peace at home along with others throughout the world. We honor them.
(for more info or pricing), COPY AND PASTE item number in"SEARCH BOX" at SHOPPING STORE sea, air, land,
special forces
(for more info or pricing), COPY AND PASTE item number in"SEARCH BOX" at SHOPPING STORE + OUR CIVIL SERVICE Those who keep us safe in our neighborhood, our fire fighters, state and local police. Our first responders from the beginnin of our land. We are inspired.
(for more info or pricing), COPY AND PASTE item number in"SEARCH BOX" at SHOPPING STORE + Be sure and support your FIRST RESPONDERS as many communities are volunteers and financially dependent on our support, ambulance drivers, all. Most Firefighters and Police are also certified along with our EMTs and CPRs but still need our prayers and support. Safe from harm. |
![]() *WHEN THEY BEGAN* ![]() |
MANY NOW SERVING ALL OVER THE WORLD + FREEDOM FIGHTERS AT HOME SINCE 1607 COLONIAL (NATIONAL) GUARD (1607): the oldest component of the Armed Forces of the United States. Militia companies were formed in the first English settlement at James-Town in 1607. In 1636 (Dec 13) the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony organized the first militia regiments.
US COAST GUARD (1790): was founded on 4 August 1790 and became a branch of the armed forces in 1915. In 1939 the US Lighthouse Service merged with the Coast Guard. Today, the Coast Guard is one of the 7 uniformed services of the US keeping our shores safe and stopping the flow of illegals and drugs on the sea. +
MERCHANT MARINES (1775): founded in June 1775, Privateers responding to the news of Lexington and Concord, captured a British Schooner off the coast of Maine and interrupted the British supply chain (A privateer is a private person or ship authorized by a government by letters of marquee to attack foreign shipping during wartime.) + US MARSHALS (1789): the Judiciary Act of September 24, 1789 formed the Federal Marshals. Many branches/departments exist today. The most recent and most recognizable in the service of protecting our boarders against illegal immigrants and drug traffic is ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). Homeland Security was formed after September 11 2001. (Also see Texas Rangers 1836) + CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1775
CONTINENTAL ARMY: Formed on 14 June 1775, before the establishment of the United States, to meet the demands of the American Revolutionary War. The Congress of the Confederation officially created the United States Army on 3 June + CONTINENTAL NAVY: In 1775 the Continental Congress passed a resolution creating the Continental Navy (13 October). Disbandond and last ship sold after Revolutionary War. Eleven years later, conflicts between American merchant shipping and pirates in the Mediterranean Sea led to the Naval Act of 1794, which created the US Navy. A Navy that moved into the world theater. + CONTINENTAL MARINES - 1775
US MARINES: In 1775, two batallions of Continental Marines were formed in Philadelphia (Nov 10) as naval infantry. Its mission grew to serve into every American armed conflict including foreign. Known foramphibious warfare during WWII in the Pacific theater. + US AIR FORCE: The United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) was the military aviation arm of the United States of America during and immediately after World War II, and the direct predecessor of the United States Air Force serving all over the world. + SPECIAL OPS TEAMS some one commented: "We specialize in dropping in uninvited to spoil your whole day!"
SEAL TEAMS SEALS are a part of the Naval Special Warfare Command (SEa Air Land) operating on Sea Air Land in the war on Terror. cutting edges of commando forces. Can trace their beginnings to WWII but were formed in 1961). UDT (Under Water Demolition Teams - 1944) , Frog Men, all - CIA/Seal Team 6 found and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan (May 2011). + DELTA FORCE A branch of the US Army, Delta Force was formed November 1976-77 after a series of well publicized terrorist incidents in the 1970s. A joint task force including Delta Force found and captured Saddam Hussein (Dec 2003). The Green Berets, Rangers, and Delta Force all report to Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, N.C. |
We have listed some of the battles here in our nation - as a reminder - that made a difference for who we are today. Family members who fought for the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, free speech, own property - the Constitution of our nation along with the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Some where in this list below, a relative stands. +
COMMUNION OF SAINTS? PRAYER WARRIORS? Trace you family members who fought in these conflicts, wars to bring peace to this land. How are we spending this freedom and carrying it on to our children and future generations? How many of these relatives are now in the communion of saints and are willing to continue as prayer warriors to free our country from those who want to destroy our freedom, if only we ask? +
The battle against evil + 10 Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. 11 Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. + + + THE CHAPLAIN CORPS July 9th, l776 The Continental Congress was pleased to allow a Chaplain to each Regiment, with pay!
there were already 15 Chaplains assigned! + + + 13 Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. 14 So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,j 15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. 16 In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. |
![]() *FULL CIRCLE of PRAYER* ![]() |
Since the very beginning of our nation, since the first landing in 1607 to today, people have lived and died as freedom fighters. First responders before being organized into fighting groups and peace keepers Many suffered injuries and died in the line of duty. And many warriors, veterans, have simply died of old age and natural causes. These are our intercessors, those who can pray for peace as members of the following: + COMMUNION of SAINTS CLOUD of WITNESSES MYSTICAL BODY of CHRIST + The communion of saints (in Latin, communio sanctorum), when referred to persons, is the spiritual union of the members of the Christian Church, living and the dead, those on earth, in heaven, and, those who are in that state of purification, are all a part of a single Mystical Body, with Christ as the head. Each member of the Comunion of saints contibutes to the good of all, sharing in the welfare of all.' + WHO IS THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHIRST? +
CCC 1396 The unity of the Mystical Body: the Eucharist makes the Church. Those who receive the Eucharist are united more closely to Christ. Through it Christ unites them to all the faithful in one body - the Church. Communion renews, strengthens, and deepens this incorporation into the Church, already achieved by Baptism. In Baptism we have been called to form but one body.233 The Eucharist fulfills this call: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread:"234 + COMMUNION OF SAINTS? THE PRAYERS OF THE HOLY ONES +
CCC 1475 In the communion of saints, "a perennial link of charity exists between the faithful who have already reached their heavenly home, those who are expiating their sins in purgatory and those who are still pilgrims on earth. Between them there is, too, an abundant exchange of all good things."87 In this wonderful exchange, the holiness of one profits others, well beyond the harm that the sin of one could cause others. Thus recourse to the communion of saints lets the contrite sinner be more promptly and efficaciously purified of the punishments for sin. + THE CLOUD OF WITNESSES?
CCC 2683 The witnesses who have preceded us into the kingdom,41 especially those whom the Church recognizes as saints, share in the living tradition of prayer by the example of their lives, the transmission of their writings, and their prayer today. They contemplate God, praise him and constantly care for those whom they have left on earth. When they entered into the joy of their Master, they were "put in charge of many things."42 Their intercession is their most exalted service to God's plan. We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world. |
![]() *WHAT CAN WE DO?* ![]() |
FOR THE CHURCH MILITANT The church on earth, (YOU AND ME) is called the Church MIlitant. in purgatory, The Church Penitent, And in heaven, The Church Triumphant.. Do we know how to be members of the Church Militant? Did you know there is now a Field Manual out as of June 2012 called the CHURCH MILITANT FIELD MANUAL?" to teach us how to respond to the call of Spiritual Heroism? + where to buy
+ CHURCH MILITANT FIELD MANUAL by Father Rick Heilman. The spiritual devastation of the last few decades compelled Pope John Paul II to draw up his master plan for the New Millennium, the Apostolic Letter At the beginning of the third millennium, a “program for all times.” In his plan, he emphasized the importance of “starting afresh from Christ”: “No, we shall not be saved by a formula but by a Person.” Thus, Pope John Paul II called for pastoral initiatives that would focus on “Training in Holiness” and “Schools of Prayer.” + Father Rick Heilman covers the following: BE SUPERNATURALLY EMPOWERED BY THE GRACE OF GOD. + BE A COMMISSIONED OFFICER IN THE CHURCH MILITANT + BE IN ALLIANCE WITH THE STRONGEST FORCE IN ALL OF GOD'S CREATION FOR BATTLING EVIL AND RESCUING SOULS - THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS. + NO, WE SHALL NOT BE SAVED BY A FORMULA BUT BY A PERSON -JPII |
The war rages on, and even if our wounded and fallen today are not in the battle of flesh, they are still in the battle. THE WOUNDED: Those wounded who suffer pain every day are still able to offer their pain as redemptive sufferers. +
THE FALLEN: Those who have fallen in battle are still able to fight the war through intercessory prayer as members of the communion of saints, The Cloud of Witnesses and the Mystical Body of Christ. As intercessors, they are more powerful than we know! + No matter where or who we are someone in our family history or ancestry, fought and gave their lives so their children and children's children - you and I - could live in freedom. Millions, one on one, spilled their life's blood to free us from tyranny and reminding us of how our lord, Jesus Christ gave his life blood so we could be saved from sin. |
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SOCIALISM so?cial?ism noun 1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state + 3.(in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism (Merriam Webster) + ROSARY WORKSHOP GUILD Just like you, the guild members represent freedom fighters, our military, through our husbands and children, who served in the Army and Navy. One was a career Navy (USNA), and two served as enlisted. We proudly have 3 Seals. A radioman, and a submariner who worked with Special Forces (UDT, Frogmen,) + JUST LIKE YOU We come from families who served in Afghanistan(2001), Iraq (2003), Persian Gulf (1990-91), Bay of Pigs (1961), Vietnam (1965-75), Korea ( |
As a kid in Texas, the Panhandle during the oil boom, I lived near Borger. We went in once a week to buy groceries and see a movie. The talk was almost always about the Rangers coming in and cleaning out the town of ladies of ill repute and drunks. The streets had recently been paved but you could still ride your horse into town and tie him up at one of hitches. The culprits would b eput in jail till they got tired of feeding them and then let them go! + A far cry from when the Rangers protected our Mexican boarder in the early 1800s and the arrests of Old West criminals like Bonnie and Clyde! |
MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to provide the finest handmade rosaries, chaplets and other fine religious art forms for personal worship we can make using the finest supplies available. The Guild believes the work of our hands should give visual Glory to God, therefore for us, the best for you is very, very important. ++++++
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inspired by our freedom fighters,
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