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![]() *OUR FIRST RESPONDERS* ![]() |
![]() RFF.21270 |
![]() RFF.21280 |
and for their continuing service today, keeping us free. + FIRE FIGHTERS / POLICE RFF - FREEDOM FIGHTERS - 3 of 3 honoring our nations first peace keepers, first responders and freedom fighters. Read more about these valiant people who first fought for our freedom, Our First Responders. + OUR NATIONS FIRST FIRE FIGHTERS AND PEACE KEEPERS AT HOME The history of volunteer fire fighters and police date back to ancient times. Those who came here in 1607 brought this basic knowledge with them and it was up to them to begin anew to protect those under their care. They were our 'First Responders' we know so well today. + VIRGINIA COMPANY OF LONDON In 1606 King James 1 granted a Royal Charter to the Virginia Company of London, an English joint stock company of which James was a major shareholder, to settle colonies in North America. The new colonists would come in three ships, the Susan Constant, Discovery, and Godspeed, under Captain Christopher Newport. After a difficult trip they made landfall on April 26, 1607 at a place we now know as Cape Henry, Virginia. + SYMBOL OF VIRGINIA COMPANY OF LONDON
THE PLANTING OF THE CROSS Before debarking, the pastor had the 105 colonists and 40 sailors stay on board for 3 days to 'wait before God' in a time of personal examination and cleansing. + On April 29, 1607, the expedition went ashore to dedicate the continent to the glory of God. They carried a rough hewn 7 foot oak cross from England for the purpose of giving glory to God. Once the cross was erected on the wind swept sandy beach, they knelt before it and thanked God for his mercy and grace. + BUT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD
They put out from there and sailed northwest up the Bay (Chesapeake) to the River (James), settling up a fort and calling it James-Towne. They brought with them the desire for order. They brought with them the basic skills of ancient times on how to fight fires and keep peace in this new land. And again, the roots of todays, first responders. see all
the rosaries inspired by our freedom fighters,
![]() *OUR FIREFIGHTERS* ![]() |
+ RFF.21270 for more info or pricing), COPY AND PASTE item number in"SEARCH BOX" at SHOPPING STORE 22 in. all medals and crucifixes hand
cast from antiques in sterling silver
![]() * OUR FIRE FIGHTERS* ![]() |
OUR ''FIRST RESPONDERS' One year later a terrible fire hit the James-Town settlement. They had just taken on new supplies from England and all was destroyed. According to records of the time, volunteers, the very first volunteers in our nation, put out the fire and served the community as needed - these were our first responders - who still serve us tody. (see below) Fire would hit this settlement again in 1631, but by this time, Boston had set up new fire codes to cover water supplies and building codes + TODAYS FIRST RESPONDERS Today, our Certified First Responders are those volunteers who are first on the scene of medilcal emergencies such as highway accidnets that cause fire and medical care. Home accidents and heart attack victims, to name a few. They are the EMTs and the CPS groups along with anmbulance drivers who carry credentials and are on call 24 hours a day. Today. most of our Fire and Police are certified first responder having completed a course and received certification in providing pre-hospital care for medical emergencie ss. EMTs and paramedics. + HISTORY OF VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTING Over the years, fire survivors eventually banded together and became a unit, a social club of sorts, A 'Fire Club'. The concern was, that these fire clubs only helped their members. Ben Franklin wanted to develop a group of Firefighters that would serve all the community, not those just in the Fire Clubs. + Many of our founding fathers such as Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams ad Jon Hancock along with Paul Revere and others became volunteer Fire fighters. These volunteers were looked up to and when needed, neighbors would pull together, helping move equipment and becoming the bucket brigade. + THE FIRST FIRE DEPARTMENT - 1679 Firefighitng groups, fire resistant building codes became the norm by 1648 in New Amsterdam (NYC) and Fire Wardens were appointed. By 1679 Boston had established the first Fire Department, had the first Fire engines and even a Fire House. And had begun to pay some of the firefighters. It wasn't until 1737 that the first Volunteer Fire Department was formed, it was located in New York City. These firefighters did it all with buckets and a small hand carried pump. + FIREMAN BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
UNION FIRE COMPANY - 1736 Although the Fire Clubs brought about unity and an improvement of skills, they only protected the members not the community at large. So, on December 7th, 1736 Benjamin Franklin established the Union Fire Company in Philadelphia with 30 members. He saw the need for organizations that would battle all fires, regardless of whose property was burning. + THE BUCKET BRIGADE As today, often where there is a disaster like a fine, earthquake or hurricane, there are those who move in to teal what they can find. So the Union Fire Company took this into consideration, appointing some to protect the property from theft. Others supervised the use of the limited and precious water. It was agreed each member would furnish, at his own expense, 6 leather buckets (for carrying water) and 2 stout linen bags (for carrying personal property from damage and theft). they pledged to repair any damage caused by their equipment. They remained active until the 1820s yet set standards used today by our firefighters and police. + In 1819 England built the first steam powered fire engine. In 1853 Cincinnati, OH becomes the first fully paid fire department. Today, there are 26,350 + fire departments in our nation. It is believed about 87% are volunteers and carry the same honor and belief system since the 1800s, looking on their service as their civic duty to help others in time of need. |
![]() *OUR POLICE ROSARY* ![]() |
Chosen because of the uniform now worn by the 'men in blue'. The antiqued metal filigree symbolizes their badge of honor. St Michael medal.
+ AVE BEADS: faceted sodalite stone beads for the women and men in blue. Small touches of white gives a sense of honor from above as their work well done, benefits all of the community. PATER BEADS: old antiqued filigree Paters are a reminder of their badge of honor. + CRUCIFIX / CENTER The center is of St. Michael, patron of our police, hand cast from an old piece as is the beautiful crucifix with its dove on the top like a protector. The reverse shows the symbols of the crucifixion. May be purchased individually by visiting the SUPPLIES link above. Available in solid bronze and sterling silver. |
CCC on REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING CCC # 1505 - The Catechism of the Catholic Church encourages and reminds us of our vocation: "By His passion and death on the Cross, Christ has given a new meaning to suffering: it can henceforth configure us to Him and unite us with His redemptive passion"
+ RFF.21280 for more info or pricing), COPY AND PASTE item number in"SEARCH BOX" at SHOPPING STORE 22 in. + all medals and crucifixes hand cast from antiques in sterling silver and solid bronze then antiqued to restore original patina |
![]() *OUR VOLUNTEER POLICE* ![]() |
BOSTONIA CONDITA AD. 1630 CIVITATIS REGIMINE DONATA AD. 1822,""God be with us as he was with our fathers." GOD BE WITH US
OUR WOUNDED AND OUR FALLEN Going back to our first permanent settlement, Colonial James-Town (VA), Freedom Fighters have fought and died to protect us since 1607. Connect your family history, ancestors, with the following services. Pray for them and ask them to intercede from heaven, through our Lord, Jesus - starting now - to protect our nation and its citizens and children from harm. |
![]() *FULL CIRCLE of PRAYER* ![]() |
Over the centuries many of our volunteer and paid firefighters and peace keepers have suffered injuries and died in the line of duty. This is true with our protectors of peace, our local and state police, and those who protect our boarders and shores. We need to ask them to intercede for us as the: + Communion of Saints Cloud of Witnesses Mystical Body of Christ + 1st CORNTHIANS 12
The war rages on, and even if our wounded and fallen today are not in the battle of flesh, they are still in the battle. THE WOUNDED: Those wounded who suffer pain every day are still able to offer their pain as redemptive sufferers. THE FALLEN: Those who have fallen in battle are still able to fight the war through intercessory prayer as members of the communion of saints, The Cloud of Witnesses and the Mystical Body of Christ. As intercessors, they are more powerful than we know! + REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING
No matter where or who we are someone in our family history or ancestry, fought and gave their lives so their children and children's children - you and I - could live in freedom. Millions, one on one, spilled their life's blood to free us from tyranny and reminding us of how our lord, Jesus Christ gave his life blood so we could be saved from sin. + WHO IS THE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHIRST? CCC 1396 The unity of the Mystical Body: the Eucharist makes the Church. Those who receive the Eucharist are united more closely to Christ. Through it Christ unites them to all the faithful in one body - the Church. Communion renews, strengthens, and deepens this incorporation into the Church, already achieved by Baptism. In Baptism we have been called to form but one body.233 The Eucharist fulfills this call: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread:"234 + REVELATION 5: 8
WHO ARE COMMUNION OF SAINTS? CCC 1475 In the communion of saints, "a perennial link of charity exists between the faithful who have already reached their heavenly home, those who are expiating their sins in purgatory and those who are still pilgrims on earth. Between them there is, too, an abundant exchange of all good things."87 In this wonderful exchange, the holiness of one profits others, well beyond the harm that the sin of one could cause others. Thus recourse to the communion of saints lets the contrite sinner be more promptly and efficaciously purified of the punishments for sin. + HEBREWS 12:1-2
WHO ARE THE CLOUD OF WITNESSES? CCC 2683 The witnesses who have preceded us into the kingdom,41 especially those whom the Church recognizes as saints, share in the living tradition of prayer by the example of their lives, the transmission of their writings, and their prayer today. They contemplate God, praise him and constantly care for those whom they have left on earth. When they entered into the joy of their Master, they were "put in charge of many things."42 Their intercession is their most exalted service to God's plan. We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world. |
![]() *WHOSE DREAMS ?* ![]() |
whose dreams do we follow? - OR: DREAMS FROM MY FATHER (1995) DREAMS OF OUR FOREFATHERS (1767) ... are not the same as "DREAMS FROM MY FATHER" (1995 ... a book written by one man, Barack Hussein Obama, president of our nation.) + Our forefathers, in co-operation and prayer, wrote down their dreams for a new nation in 1767 - not in a book - but on parchment and called those dreams the "Constitution of the United Sates" (signed by 40 delegates) and the "Bill of Rights" (signed by 56). The First Amendment followed and was adopted December 15, 1791. Whose dreams are we to follow? + FIRST AMENDMENT
![]() *HOW WE MAY SERVE ?* ![]() |
The church on earth is called the Church MIlitant, in purgatory, The Church Penitent and in heaven, The Church Triumphant.. Do we know how to be members of the Church Militant? Did you know there is a Field Manual out as of June 2012 called the CHURCH MILITANT FIELD MANUAL?" to teach us how to respond to the call of Spiritual Heroism? + NO, WE SHALL NOT BE SAVED BY A FORMULA BUT BY A PERSON -JPII +
CHURCH MILITANT FIELD MANUAL "No, we shall not be saved by a formula but by a person"JPII (A Program for all times) " A Training in Holiness, written by Father Rick Fr. Rick Heilman. The spiritual devastation of the last few decades compelled Pope John Paul II to draw up his master plan for the New Millennium, the Apostolic Letter At the beginning of the third millennium, a “program for all times.” In his plan, he emphasized the importance of “starting afresh from Christ”: “No, we shall not be saved by a formula but by a Person.” Thus, Pope John Paul II called for pastoral initiatives that would focus on “Training in Holiness” |
SOCIALISM so?cial?ism noun 1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state + 3.(in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism (Merriam Webster) + ROSARY WORKSHOP GUILD Just like you, the guild members represnt freedom fighters, our military, through our husbands and children, who served in the Army and Navy. One was a career Navy (USNA), and two served as enlisted. We proudly have 3 Seals. A radioman, and a submariner who worked with Special Forces (UDT, Frogmen,) + JUST LIKE YOU We come from families who served in Afghanistan(2001), Iraq (2003), Persian Gulf (1990-91), Bay of Pigs (1961), Vietnam (1965-75), Korea ( |
MISSION STATEMENT Our vision is to provide the finest handmade rosaries, chaplets and other fine religious art forms for personal worship we can make using the finest supplies available. The Guild believes the work of our hands should give visual Glory to God, therefore for us, the best for you is very, very important. +++ any QUESTIONS? copy and paste OR CALL WEEKDAYS 9 TO 5 c 877.695.3561
see all the rosaries
inspired by our freedom fighters,
that formed us as we are today HISTORY : WHEN THEY BEGAN + more good input - don't miss JUST WAR THEORY for pricing or to review TOP OF PAGE
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